Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Term 3 Learning by Mathsboy

This term we are preparing for Cross Country, the Year 4's will be doing their race in September. We are learning how to pace ourselves so we don't get tired and have to walk.

For P.E we are practising dribbling and shooting. We've been playing Golden Child and 3 minutes so we can practise these skills.

Extreme Trampoline

Crystal1234, Pearlgirl and PaloPossum
On the 4th of August we went to Extreme Trampoline in Onehunga. It was so much fun, it was the best activity that we've done so far this term. There were lots of trampolines and a climbing wall.

We were able to go to Extreme Trampoline for free because our class raised the most money for the Rugby Cup-Athon. It was great and we bounced really high. We had two instructors named Justin and Jared and they were really good at explaining the moves. It was a magnificent experience for me!

Wow, I nearly touched the roof! We learnt all types of tricks, you name it and we probably did it. Our class was split into groups, the groups got three turns each time we learnt a new move.
For the tricks they all made funny names. At the end you had to make up a random routine and maybe sing a song.
They handed out some prizes to the winners, the prize was a free 2 hour fun time at Extreme Trampoline!
I loved trampolining!

Recount Writing Poem

This week we practised writing our unassisted recounts.

My stomach was in knots
as I picked up my pencil.
"It was time" I said,
to be quiet and sensible.

I wrote a few words
then put a full stop.
This recount writing,
will be TOP, TOP, TOP!

Maybe it's time
to add some gems.
This text will sparkle
and shine until the end.

By Peppermint and Hooting Owl

Future Ferns Netball Competition

Year 5 Royal Oak Suns
We try our hardest to win every game because we train every week. We burn off all our energy so we can win the game.
We are all equal in our play every day. We strive for accuracy in every part of play. Every player loves to play. The positions are all fun and all make us mentally think.
Royal Oak Suns Rock!
Frizzle and Spotim

Cross Country Zone Competition

SpeedyGonzalez came 32nd
Thunder5000 came 39th
Hooting Owl came 44th
Frizzle came 56th
Willowtree came 60th

We were exhausted until... Speedy Gonzalez saved us by feeding our hunger with delectable Afgan biscuits!

Book Week

Boo and Bluebell
From the 15th to the 19th of August was Book Week for ROPS.
Thursday: There was a show called 'Jump to it'. The show was about a girl who got sucked into a video game because she was playing it too much. The ramification of this was that she didn't do her homework.
Friday: There was a book sale, you could buy books for $2 or less!
We really enjoyed book week because our favourite subject is reading!

Term 3 Update by Tech.E123

We ended Term 2 with a pizza lunch and 2 movies and started the term with Extreme Trampolining. Year 5's recently did their Cross Country competition and the top 7 children went to zones. We found out our topic (Our World in Action), wrote our own reports, narratives for book week and more!
We also saw an awesome show called 'Jump to it' which features the book characters Finnegan from 'Finnegan and the Pirates', John from 'Holly Chips' and the farmer Palmer from Marmaduke Duck. We hope to have an awesome term.

'Jump to it!' Show

Bob2222 and Rugbydude
A girl called Claire was so obsessed with a video game that she got sucked into the screen! Oliver was Claire's friend, he helped her get out of the video game by playing four different characters from well-known stories. The show was part of book week to teach us about the joy of reading!

On the 18th of August we watched a show called 'Jump to it' during book week. The book week message was to get off the screens and read a book.

Crazykid, Godzilla, Archi5000
A girl named Claire is obsessed with this obstacle game and gets sucked into the game. The obstacles were the Shimmering Stream, Mighty Mountain and the Fearsome Forest. Throughout the journey she meets four well-known story characters and once she completed the game she came back to the real world. The moral of the musical is that people should read more.